Association Dermatology

Dermatology clinic

TUThe Faculty of Medicine in Stara Zagora was founded as Higher Institute of Medicine for training specialists in Medicine within the framework of the Medical Academy by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of 08th April 1982. Until 1995 it was an independent higher school, when it joined the newly established Trakia University.

The Department of Dermatology and Venereology was founded on 18th November 1985. In the first three years after the foundation as part-time lecturers have worked Professor A. Bonev MD, Professor E. Obreshkova MD and Associate Professor A. Atanasov MD. For the practical exercises with the students were sent on mission Assistant Professors from the Department at the Medical Academy in Sofia: K. Konstantinov MD, Y.Popov MD, L.Stranski MD and N.Tsankov MD. Following the competitions held in 1986, regular Assistant Professors were appointed: Evgenia Hristakieva MD and Elena Georgieva MD. Goranov

Associate Professor Vasil Goranov MD Ph.D.
was elected as the first Head of Department in 1988. In 1991, as regular Assistant Professors were appointed Tanya Gancheva MD and Rumyana Lazarova MD, and since 1995 – Evgeni Hristozov MD.




Assoc.Prof.Panayot Gardev

During the period 1992-2002 the Department was managed by Associate Professor Panayot Gardev MD, Ph.D.

In 2002, in compliance with the Law on University Education concerning a seven-member staff of the Departments was established a united Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Ophthalmology and Dermatovenerology at the Faculty of Medicine of Trakia University. Associate Professor Pavel Dimov MD was elected for Head of Department, and since 2008 – Associate Professor Valentin Stoyanov MD. At the moment, the members of the academic staff of Section of Dermatovenerology are:

  • Assoc. Prof. Evgeniya Hristakieva, MD, Ph.D
  • Head Asst.Prof.Tanya Gancheva MD,
  • Asst.Prof. Nataliya Kiriyak MD

The base for carrying out the therapeutic and diagnostic, teaching and scientific research activities for the period 1982-1995 was Dermato-venereal Dispensary, Stara Zagora.

In 1995 was founded University Hospital, having its functioning Clinic of Dermatology and Venereology. Associate Professor Panayot Gardev MD was the Head of Clinic for the period 1995-2002. Two dermatologists were appointed to the team of doctors: Ivan Baldaranov MD and Zhenya Troeva MD.


University Hospital EAD, Stara Zagora was established on 31st August 2000 as the successor of the University Hospital at the Faculty of Medicine of Trakia University, Stara Zagora. Head of the Clinic of Dermatology and Venereology is Associate Professor Evgeniya Hristakieva MD, Ph.D.

In addition to all basic types of laboratory and diagnostic devices, the Faculty and the Hospital dispose also of therapeutic and diagnostic equipment at the most advanced level, such as: immunoanalyzers for cellular immunity, electron microscope, chromatographic analyzers, clinical & chemical analyzers, blood & gas analyzers, electromyographs, electrical encephalographs, therapeutic lasers, all types of endoscopic equipment, operating microscopes and specialized equipment, working together with computer. The relevant specialized software for the available computer equipment and permanent Internet access has been provided.


The fundamental mission of the Faculty is to train specialists with higher medical education in order to provide staff for the health care system in Bulgaria. Bulgarian and foreign undergraduate, graduate and Ph.D. students are trained.

The Clinic of Dermatology and Venereology is the basis of training students in “Dermatology and Venereology” in the following accredited programs:

  • „Medicine” – educational and qualification degree „Master of Medicine” with professional qualification „Doctor”. The education can be continued for acquiring the educational and scientific degree Ph.D.
  • „Social Activities” – educational and qualification degree „Bachelor” with professional qualification „Social Worker”, educational and qualification degree „Master” in „Social Work and Mediation”.
  • “Management of Health Care” – educational and qualification degree „Bachelor” with professional qualification „Head of Health Care and Lecturer in Practical Training in Medical College”.
  • “Medical Nurse” – educational and qualification degree „Bachelor” with professional qualification „Medical Nurse”.
  • “Midwife” – educational and qualification degree „Bachelor” with professional qualification “Midwife”.

A section for postgraduate training is functioning to the Faculty of Medicine at Trakia University. With Ordinance issued by the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine the Clinic’s medical team: E. Hristakieva MD, T. Gancheva MD, I. Baldaranov MD and Z. Troeva MD participates in the Commission for conducting examinations in the subject “Dermatology and Venereology”, and the Clinic is accredited as a base for carrying out the four-year specialization.

For the period 1995-2011 the staff completed the course of specialization in the Clinic and successfully passed the examination for speciality are: E. Hristozov MD, M. Ganeva MD, I. Baldaranov MD, Z. Troeva MD, T. Gancheva MD, G. Glavcheva MD, V. Mihaylova MD, S.Teneva MD, T. Chukalova MD, M. Mustafova MD, T. Drazheva MD, N. Kavlak MD, N. Kiriyak MD, G. Vashina MD, A. Ertyurk MD (Turkey), Al-Sofi MD (Yemen), Adel MD (Yemen), М. Bunza MD (Nigeria), S. Baravi MD (Syria), N. Yordanova MD (Macedonia), N. Osmanova MD (Turkey).

Currently enrolled and carrying out specialization in the Clinic are: G. Ahmed MD, D. Gancheva MD, D. Karshakova MD, S. Kurteva MD, P. Penev MD., V.Todeva MD.


The Clinic offers two reception and consulting rooms, located in the building of Diagnostic and Consulting Unit of the University Hospital, Stara Zagora:

  • Dermatology consulting room for consultative examinations and hospitalization of adults and children.
  • Dermatology consulting room for diagnostics and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases.

In these rooms is carried out hospitalization of patients in emergency and scheduled order under clinical pathways of the National Health Insurance Fund and Regulation 22, checkups of patients treated at the Clinic; ambulatory examinations and special diagnostic procedures as per Regulation 22 and contracts with voluntary and other health insurance funds; microsurgical interventions, biopsies, ulcers treatment, dressings, taking of material for microbiological examinations etc.

The Clinic’s hospital is located on a separate 2nd floor in the building of the Dispensary of Oncological Diseases. There are detached:

  • therapeutic sector – 4 hospital rooms with 10 beds, distributed in two sectors: infectious and non-infectious dermatoses; manipulation room; canteen; sanitary rooms;
  • theatre for microsurgery;
  • physiotherapeutic sector for phototherapy;
  • 3 consulting rooms;
  • laboratory for mycological and microscopic diagnostics;
  • seminar room.


The traditions of scientific researches in the Department have been initiated by Associate Professor Vasil Goranov MD, Ph.D. Two dissertations have been defended for the scientific degree Ph.D.:

  • „Cryogenic treatment in the dermato-oncological practice”, 1990, P. Gardev MD.
  • “Studies on climatic treatment of psoriasis and vitiligo and the role of oxidative stress in the course of the two diseases”, 2002, E. Hristakieva MD.

Research directions:

  • oxidative stress and antioxidants in the pathogenesis and therapy of some diseases: vitiligo, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis;
  • application of phototherapy and climatic therapy in the dermatology;
  • immunohistochemical localization of psoriasis and vitiligo – related neuropeptides in the skin;
  • electronic-microscopic studies on some rare syndromes observed in the dermatology;
  • adverse drug reactions with skin manifestations and drug-induced dermatoses;
  • gerontological dermatology.

The scientific production of the Section includes: 30 publications in foreign journals, 54 publications in national journals and collections, as well as numerous participations in regional, national and international scientific forums, and development and completion of scientific projects – 3 university projects and 4 international.

The nonprofit society “Association of Dermatology – Stara Zagora ”, was registered in 2005 and it helps the Clinic’s team in the preparation, organizing and carrying out:

  • monthly collegiums, seminars;
  • regional conferences of the branch of the Bulgarian Dermatological Society in 2005, 2006, 2010, 2011;
  • XVIII National Conference in Dermatology and Venereology, 15-17 May 2009, Stara Zagora.